Just Porno Network Update Schedule
What’s up everyone? Hope you’re all having a good “hump day”! Many of you have been emailing me asking me when we’ll have a set update schedule as far as our DVD’s and videos go. I’ve discussed it with the “big boys” who run our network and they’ve decided that we’ll update our site with 2 full length DVD porn videos everyday! We’ll add one new DVD at 12 noon and another at 12 midnight. Some of you may have already noticed this update schedule because it started on Monday. I also had Sandra make a tweet about it so if you’re following her on Twitter than you probably know about it as well.
So what do you guys think? Are two porn DVD’s enough each day or do you want more? As usual we care about what you think because without you guys, we’d be nothing. Leave me a comment here or drop me an email to support@justporno.com and let me know what you think!
Not a member of the best porno hub site online yet? What are you waiting for? Visit Just Porno now and download 2 full length DVD’s everyday!
Oh and just in case you’re wondering… that porn star you see above is Cristina Agave.